Ludovica Vismara

Schizzo Frenie


28 Piazza di Pietra presents from the 27th of November 2014 to the 9th of January 2015 Schizzo Fre- nie, Ludovica Vismara’s first personal exhibition.

The twenty-six years old artist appears seemingly disheveled and distracted, but on the contrary, is meticulously attentive to detail. Ludovica takes pens and coloured pencils out of her bag and sketches on bits of paper she finds here and there.
With a distinct outline and without hesitation she puts on stage the atemporaneous man, with ambiguous and paradoxical outcomes. The theatre of the absurd is on display-characters with puppet-like clothes and gestures, twisting hands and lips, create simultaneously both a tragic and comical effect. Yet their expressions are extrapolated by glimpses of mundaneness and reconstructed in non-places where time stands still. Sometimes sitting, they appear forced into their state of deceitful wait, almost recalling a Beckett-like bitterness.

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The art pieces are autonomous, but deliberately apposed in a rational dimension through the poetics of the portrayed subject’s glance. The exaggerated asymmetry of the eyes scrapes away the hypo- crisy and reveals the alienation, the solitude, the irony and sometimes the resignation of the contemporary man. A self-portrait stands out amongst the drawings, which conveys elements of self- referentiality in relation to the rest of the portraits, to the extent of making everything appear like a multi-faceted interior reality with innumerous fragments

The traces of pens and pencils are repeated and irregular, but the final effect denotes an estranging completeness. The warm colours are alternated with the cold ones, suggesting notes of nostalgia, perhaps daughter of an ancient memory... but without stagnating into easy sentimentalism. Observing the artworks one by one, the viewer gets a strong desire to penetrate the artists’ mind and comprehend the fil rouge that drives her to favor the character to portray. However, in a note found in her old sketchbook she confesses: “one life is not worth more than another, I don’t choose (who to portray or take as inspiration) but I fall in love.”

Text curated by Lorena Stamo



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